Agro-tourism Rruga e Mullirit - IntoAlbania Accommodations

Agro-tourism Rruga e Mullirit

Rec, Koplik

Hotel description

Located at the foot of “Pylli i Gështenjave” (Chestnut Forrest) in Reç, Koplik, the guesthouse
“Rruga e Mullirit” (“The Mill Road”) is an agritourism enterprise which offers wonderful accommodation and an overall quality experience.

The two-story guesthouse offers accommodation for tourists on its second floor, with the family occupying the first floor. A total of three rooms, with one double and two single ones, are found on the second floor along with one restroom per floor.

The vila has two wonderful dining spaces, an outdoor veranda with an intimate dining table surrounded by trees as well as a large dining hall, located inside, which can seat up to 18 people. Wi-Fi is available in the rooms, waiting halls and in the many relaxing common areas of the guesthouse.

Based on your tastes and preferences, during your stay, you can participate in many different activities here. These activities range from fruit and vegetable harvesting from the guesthouse’s farm to helping the family prepare its delicious home-cooked meals to simply enjoying the simple life this village offers.

The family prepares all meals – breakfast, lunch, dinner – with farm fresh products, using traditional recipes and cooking methods. Breakfast is included in price. For other meals and extra activities around the farm an extra price is applied.

The city of Shkodra is located approximately 30 km, or a 40-min drive, from this guesthouse. The closest airport to the guesthouse is Mother Teresa Airport, at 112 km, or 2-hour drive, from here.


1. The Reci area is known in Albania for the production of chestnuts and one of the unique experiences that the “Rruga e Mullirit” offers is their skillful collection and roasting by the master of the hospice, to give your stay days more flavor. Seasonality: October- November

2. Among the activities “Rruga e Mullirit” offers is the collection of seasonal vegetables and fruits. In addition to exploring the surrounding area, you can also sample the fresh flavors of freshly cut fruit or vegetables from the grove. Seasonality: September- November

3. If you want to learn how and when to plant your home-grown trees, they will guide you through this unique and special activity, where they will teach you not only the right time, but also the way it is done. This Seasonality: November- January- February

4. In addition to tasting traditional dishes, you can also learn some secrets from these authentic recipes, such as lakrori (a traditional pie), kacamak or goat cheese. Seasonality: All year

*Please be aware that activities take place based on seasons. Make sure to check the seasons before booking. Room price includes breakfast 

  • Parking
  • Free WiFi
  • Location: Rec, Koplik
  • Shared Bathroom
  • Air Conditioning
  • Shared Bathroom
  • Air Conditioning


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Hotel Rules

  • Check In Hours : 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Check Out Hours : 12:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Cancellation Policy:

    Free cancellations 7 days before arrival.

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Check-in: 04/25/2024

Check-out: 04/26/2024

Adults: 1

Children: 0

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  • Includes VAT, Excludes City Tax.
  • Your card will be charged immediately.
  • You will be charged immediately for the full amount. In case of cancellation, we will apply a cancellation fee of 100.00% of the reservation amount.This property applies a free-cancellation policy of up to 7 days prior to arrival.
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